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BBC NEWS: Smart mob storms London
London has its first taste of the flash mob phenomenon, with a spontaneous crowd turning up at a sofa store.
Flash Mob news, ideas, photos, links and resources.
Facilitates the formation of flash mobs, or groups of people that suddenly come together to perform brief, seemingly random acts.
Mob news and links.
Peculiarities of Cyberspace : Flash Mobs
Analysis of the conditions, forms and consequences of flash mobs and the future of smart mobs. Author: Dr. Albert Benschop (University of Amsterdam).
Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution
A Website and Weblog about topics and issues discussed in the book Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution by Howard Rheingold.
Ten Thousand Smiles
Perdue-based flash mob organization.
Yahoo! Groups: Flashmobs
Flash mob discussion group.