Adam, Thomas
Oil paintings, watercolors by Swiss artist, who tries to live life as art form.
Ansell, Jill
Colorful allegorical and narrative paintings from the realm of myth and archetype. Images, statement, and curriculum vitae.
Gallery of symbolic landscape, and figurative oil paintings. In English and French.
Artes, Yann
With his paintings Artes shares his happiness and "joie de vivre". In English, French and Italian.
Atroshenko, Paul
Paintings by an Australian artist; figurative and representational, fantastic realism, influenced by Renaissance art.
Barrington, Rebecca
Provides a gallery and links to other related sites.
Csanadi, Ibolya
Oil paintings partaking of symbolism and surrealism, and mostly representing the female figure. Images and curriculum vitae.
Del Rio, Marcela
The world wide web as an analytical tool for the study of literature is demonstrated through the works of Marcela Del Rio.
Estrup, Carole
A sampling of Western, metaphysical and geo-political oil paintings. Also samples of her poetry and advertisements for her books, and a biographical note.
Frenn, Chawky
Lebanese-American painter who concentrates on social and philosophical questions evoking strong feelings. Images and resume.
Hanson, Erik
Symbolic/allegorical represenatational and abstract original paintings.
Isachev, Alexandr
Images of the work of the artist from Belarus, with a bibliographical note.
Jessing, Michael
Creator of Book of Psalms, a personal interpretation done in a classical symbolic style. Includes a biography, personal statements and examples.
Leenhouwers, Carl
Contemporary artist's paintings inspired by the styles of the old masters, but expressing strong emotions. Includes extensive comments by the artist.
Liimatainen, Ari
Gallery of Finnish contemporary artist. Also an art schoolteacher in Suolahti. Includes exhibition information.
Machalek, Jan
Fantastic, visionary and symbolic art. Images, statement, biography, and exhibitions.
Pantura Studios
Serious contemporary paintings by Hans-Peter Szameit and Sanna Tomac. Imaginative figurative work with emphasis on the nude, as well as portraiture, stillife, landscape and etchings. Also drawings, etchings, and biographies of the artists.
Penalver, Ricardo
Peñalver's imagination is brilliant and his work will surely arouse great emotion in those who visit the exhibition.
Rapisardo, MaryBeth
Gallery of visionary fine art includes paintings, prints, cards, and other formats. Images, comments, and curriculum vitae.
Savelkoul, Francine
Belgian Symbolist painter. Site is in English and French.
Schrauzer, Michael
Presents enigmatic still life paintings, rendered in oil, and mixed media.
Seabourn, Connie
"...Reflecting my place in time and space; my explorations into love, religion and history; attempts to gain understanding...and share it all through a universal language of symbols." (Also lists collections, exhibitions, biography, paintings and prints.)
Serard, Viviane
Visionary painter. Virtual gallery presenting her dream paintings. Also a biography.
Speshilov, Alina
Contemporary Tel Aviv painter inspired by prehistoric and Chinese art. Provides a brief profile, past exhibitions, downloads and links.
Swallow, Ryan
Portfolio of realistic and symbolic, mostly figurative acrylic paintings.
Mystical paintings. A realm of colour, light, exotic landscapes, exquisite female beauty, and lush, magical scenery. Accompanying poetry about love, lost love, ecstasy, passion, sorrow, grief and the human spirit.
Wagner, John Philip
Specializes in fairy art, fantasy art, Southwestern art, Egyptian art and angel art. Images and biographical note.
Weschler Rubeck, Shari
Exciting, whimsical art, humorous images include "The Corporate Cabaret" and "Tuna Tango".
Zahr, May
Style is abstract symbolism and speak of love, light, union and eternity.
Ziermann, Peter A.
Offers various descriptive galleries by the Swiss artist.