english deutsch
3D Animation for Video Editing
Royalty free 3D animations for video production on Mini-DV, VHS, S-VHS and on CD (AVIs or sequenced JPEGs).
Freeware program to capture video from a AverMedia Phone98 direct to MPG4 format, in real time.
Video capture and editing.
Darim Vision Co, Ltd
DDCLIP 3.0 non-linear editing for Windows.
Video production equipment for consumers and prosumers. Check out the new SE200 Integrated Video Editor.
Datavideo Corporation
VDR-1000 is a stand-alone unit that records from a DV input onto a CD-R or CD-RW in either VCD or S-VCD Format.
Video Action 6.3 for Windows. Non-linear editing software. Have products for professional too.
GTH Electronics
Manufacture and sell direct the "Ace" Digital Video Standards Converter and Advanced Colour Enhancer, both with colour balance correction and colour shift.
MGI Software
VideoWave, non-linear editing software for Windows. Also PhotoSuite.
MovieWorks video editing for the Mac.
Omega Multimedia
provides digital technology focusing on 3d software, digital imaging, web site tools, video graphic cards, video editing hardware and desk top publishing products.
VideoShop editing software for the Mac.
Ulead Systems, Inc.
VideoStudio, MediaStudio, Cool 3D: software for editing and special effects for Windows. Also PhotoImpact.
VideoMail Studio
Video capture and editing software package is designed to allow movies to be sent via email using streaming video technology.