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A Life Alone: My Words, My Stories
Anastasia Alderson's stories, including vignettes and a series in progress.
Alien X-ing
Alien Girl's stories and humorous art, including a romantic adventure series in which the characters travel around the world.
Ally's Fic
Scully-centered stories include Mulder/Scully romance, spoofs, and case files.
Angelic Nights
Various short and long works by ScullyTiger51, including Doggett/Reyes romance stories.
Barnett's Creative Outlet
Angsty, Mulder-centric stories by Barbara Barnett, including missing scenes, post-episode works, and series. Also offers episode reviews.
Eileen S. Whipple's X-Files Fan Fiction
Includes poetry, holiday and conspiracy stories, Mulder/Scully romances, and stories about Scully and her sister Melissa as teen-agers.
Erin M. Blair's Relationshipper Fanfiction
A series of stories in which Mulder and Scully are married, along with alternate universe stories and crossovers.
Euphrosyne's Land O' Lethargy
Intentionally bad Mulder/Scully romances (also called "badfic.")
FanFic eXit
Stories and poems by Xphile 324. Mostly Mulder/Scully fiction.
Gabi's X-Files FanFic
Scully-centered vignettes, poems, and parodies.
Humor Hut
A variety of humorous stories by Heather Scotland, including Mulder/Scully romance and fiction that puts the characters in comic situations.
Hunter's Place
Sammi Moch's alternate universe series, in which Mulder has adopted a 10 year old girl. Mostly holiday stories.
Jen's X-Files Fanfic
Mulder/Scully romance stories, with a dash of mild hurt/comfort for Mulder, and a variety of holiday stories.
Jenn's X-File Shipper Fanfics
Jenn Nistor's several Mulder/Scully romance series stories.
Kate Dyer, X-Files Fan Fic Author
A variety of fiction ranging from Mulder/Scully romance to case files to Scully/Krycek romance and holiday stories.
Kingdom of X
Stories and vignettes, most focusing on Mulder. Also includes slide shows and "Signs You're Still Addicted to 'The X-Files.'"
Leigh Alexander's Realm of Dreams
Contains a variety of Scully-centered stories.
Maureen's X-Files Fanfic
Maureen O'Brien's stories often mingle folklore with the X-Files universe. Includes filks, stories based on the movie, and a variety of crossovers.
Motel Blu Neon
Archive of stories previously posted to various news groups. Includes original fiction and nonfiction works, as well as series-related and original artworks.
My Stories
Sarah Josephine's stories include Mulder/Scully romance, crossovers, humor, holiday fiction, and case files. Also contains some original fiction.
Sandra's X-Files Fanfic
Post-episode vignettes, humor, and Mulder/Scully romances written by Sanda Winarta.
Shippy Fan Fic
TeddiBear's Mulder/Scully romance stories.
Mulder/Scully romance and crossovers with situation comedy series, including Seinfeld and South Park.
Spooky Jr.
Humor, Mulder/Scully romances, and hurt/comfort stories.
Spookycc's Fan Fiction
Stories focused on the romance between Scully and Doggett.
The Federal Bureau of Imagination
Stories by Julie Cantrell, including Mulder/Scully romances and fiction exploring more minor characters, such as Jeffrey Spender and Margaret Scully. Also contains collages, poetry, and postcards.
The Underground
Punk Maneuverability's romance stories, mostly pairing Mulder/Scully, but also some stories involving Skinner or Pendrell. Also includes stories of angst and humor, tributes to Mulder and Scully, and a few Sports Night and West Wing stories.
The X-Realm
Jennifer Denges' stories include Mulder/Scully romance, angst, and UST.
Tracy's X Files Fan Fiction
Romance stories and poems, including holiday challenges and 155-word pieces.
Valerie's X-Files Fan Fiction
Valerie Wislo's Mulder/Scully romances. Also includes an image gallery for romance fans.
Vickie's Mulderfest
Vickie Moseley's hurt/comfort stories focusing on Mulder, including many award-winners. Also contains stories written in collaboration with other authors.
Wanting to Believe
Josh Schirmer's mythology and episode-based stories, as well as humor and poetry.
Writing Machine Central
Jeannine Ackerson's stories, the majority of which are Mulder/Scully romances.
X Files Stories by Mary Ruth Keller
A long series of alternate universe stories exploring the conspiracy arc in depth. No romance.
X-Files Fan Fiction of Kristy Anderson
Includes series, stories, and vignettes.
X-Files Fanfiction by Horatio
Stand-alone and series stories focused on Doggett and Scully.
Xgirl's X-Files X-perience
Collection of stories, episode commentary, custom images, and articles and reviews.
Xphila's Shippy X Files Fan Fic
Mulder/Scully romance stories and poetry.
Xscout's Hollow
Angsty stories and Mulder/Scully romances, many involving hurt/comfort for Mulder. Also offers collages, artwork, photo manipulations, and images of Mulder and Scully as anthropomorphic cartoon animals.