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Encounters With the Unexplained
Encounters With The Unexplained, Encounters with the Unexplained, EpGuides.com: Encounters with the Unexplained, IMDb: Encounters with the Unexplained, My Appearance on PAX-TV's Encounters With the, TV Tome: Encounters with the Unexplained
Busted! The MythBusters Fanlisting, IMDb: MythBusters, MythBusters, MythBusters, Mythbusters Fan Club, TV Tome: MythBusters, Wolfman Productions: MythBusters
Ripley's Believe It or Not
IMDb: Ripley's Believe It or Not!, Ripley's Believe It or Not, Ripley's Believe It Or Not!
Unsolved Mysteries
IMDb: Unsolved Mysteries, TV Tome: Unsolved Mysteries, Unsolved Mysteries, Unsolved Mysteries Online
Halloween TV.com
Guide to Halloween and scary themed TV shows including the 13 Nights of Halloween, Scariest Places on Earth, MTV's Fear, and Scare Tactics.