Always Thinking: A Catherine Willows and Nick Stok
Includes stories, poetry, and drabbles.
Anansay's Alliterative Asylum
A collection of fanfiction stories for CSI that are GSR-friendly.
Burked's CSI Fanfiction
Burked offers some of the best fanfiction on the net according to many at UTB. Her site includes the story 'Thousand Cuts'.
Includes art, carols, poetry, and parodies from the show.
CSI Fan Fiction & Transcripts
Transcripts from the first season of CSI.
Mossley's Fanfic
This site has one of the longest CSI fics on the web titled "Too Late" (65 chapters).
The Evidence Never Lies
A good GSR archive of fiction. Home to the short story challenge.
The Graveyard Shift
Fan fiction, episodes that rate high for romantic moments, icons for download, and list of beta readers.
Virtual Butterflies Window
Small collection of fan fiction stories, most depicting romantic relationships between characters.