english deutsch
Panic, Mike
Features portraiture, female nudes, still life, street photography, images taken in music clubs, and experimental works.
Pastore, Shari
Black and white, color, and digital fine art images of landscapes and buildings.
Collection of contemporary photographs that focus on composition, color and texture.
Pergament, Adam
Photographs of nature, celebrities, dogs, and abstract impressions.
Phillips, Jeff
Black and white and color photos of a variety of subjects created with methods ranging from toy cameras to digital.
Pipitone, Rosemary
Hand painted black and white photographs using oil glazes.
Potts, Tony
Images of Detroit, landscapes, people, and events in color and monochrome. Also, providing insight in his artistic philosophy.
Prince, Michael
Presents realistic and surreal images of people, places, and things.
Provorse, Chet
Images focus on the varied Southwestern culture. Symbols, icons, textures and shapes.
Putorti, Michael F.
Landscape, still life, nude, portrait and digital images. Most are black and white.