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IMdb.com - Haldane of the Secret Service (1923), IMdb.com - Houdini: Unlocking His Secrets (1995) (, IMdb.com - Soul of Bronze, The (1921)
And Now Houdini
Little known facts about the life of magician Harry Houdini. Rare photos, posters. Hear him speak, see him perform. Online anniversary seance.
Harry Houdini (1874-1926)
From the PBS network - a short biography.
Houdini in The New York Times
Resource for Houdini enthusiasts who want to access hundreds of articles, features, and letters that appeared in the Times during the first half of the twentieth century.
Houdini Tribute
400+ photos, audio, animations, and biography honoring the life and death of the famous magician and illusionist.
Historical vignettes of Harry Houdini's life.
Archive including audio and video files, biography, facts and fiction, and links to related sites.
IMdb.com - Harry Houdini
Filmography, awards, biography, agent, discussions, photos, news articles, fan sites.
NPR : Exposing Houdini
In June 2004 a new exhibition about Houdini opens in Appleton, Wisconsin. But some modern day conjurers want part of the show to disappear. Harriet Baskas reports. Part of the Hidden Treasures Radio Project series. [5:30 Realaudio broadcast plus an online photo gallery]
NPR : The Life and Death of Harry Houdini
The great magician Harry Houdini left this life nearly 80 years ago on Halloween. Some say Houdini's premature death was caused in part by his reputation for bravado and superhuman strength. Hear a seance attempting to contact Houdini [3:30 Realaudio broadcast] and a historian's commentary about Houdini's last days [4:47 Realaudio broadcast].
The American Experience: Houdini
"Houdini" follows the transformation of Jewish Hungarian immigrant Ehrich Weiss to the world's greatest escape artist.
The Miracle Mongers, An Expose by Harry Houdini
The complete online HTML text, extensively annotated, with references cross-linked to the Encyclopedia of the Self.