english deutsch
Belly dancer and instructor in Kirkland and Seattle, Washington for beginning through advanced levels. Includes instructional videos, CDs, testimonials and class schedule.
Basimah Dalal
Biography and scheduling information for belly dancer in the Seattle, Washington area. Includes information for troupe performances with Raqs el Sehr Shamal and local dance opportunities.
Belly dance performer and instructor in Seattle, Washington. Includes her videos and DVDs, calendar of events, retreats in Hawaii, news, articles and galleries of photos, video and sound;
Hasani's Online Hotline
Features Hasani and friends. Schedule for upcoming dance events in the Pacific Northwest.
Life Arts
Erna "Hoakalei" Woo, in Bellingham, Washington, provides classes and workshops in Middle Eastern and Hawaiian dance. Includes schedule of events and contact information.
Performer and teacher in Seattle, Washington. Includes biography, schedule of performances and workshops and photo gallery.
Saqra from Vancouver, Washington. Classes, tips, videos and events.
Sultana Dancers
Belly dance troupe in southeastern Washington state under the direction of Laurie Nearing; offers classes, workshops and performances featuring live drumming.