Australian Square Dance Convention
Registration and accommodation forms available, along with detailed program schedules.
Indiana State Square Dance Convention
October 17-19, 2003, in Muncie, Indiana.
Midsummer Mania Festival
Two day festival with round and plus through advanced level dancing in the Chicago suburbs.
Nebraska State Convention
Annual square and round dance convention, held at the Adams County Fairgrounds, Hastings, Nebraska each September. Registration, program, and lodging information available.
North Carolina State Square and Round Dance Conven
Held each August in Raleigh, North Carolina. Registration form and program schedule available on web site.
Pennsylvania Square and Round Dance Convention
Annual convention held each August in State College, Pennsylvania. Registration form and email contact for housing information.
Tennessee State Convention
Held annually. Registration and housing information available on site; email contact listed for more information.
Vermont Square and Round Dance Convention
Annual cnvention held each May. Schedule, maps, and information email contact available.