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Alamo Area Square and Round Dance Association
Provides information about square and round dancing clubs in the Alamo area. San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Arkansas State Square Dance Federation
Provides information about square and round dancing clubs in the state of Arkansas.
Associated Square Dancers of Superior California
Calendar, classes, and special events listings for clubs in El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba Counties in northern California.
Border Boosters Association
Montreal, Canada. Listing of area clubs, conventions, special dances, photo album, calendar of events, and listing of local callers.
British Columbia Square and Round Dance Federation
Class information, an area for teen dancers, calendar, list of BC clubs, information in general, articles, and links to other square dance sites.
Cal South Foundation
Cal South Foundation was formed to promote square and round dancing in Southern California.
California Square Dance Council, Inc.
Umbrella organization for square dance associations in California.
Canadian Square and Round Dance Society
Information on square and round dancing, clogging, and contra in Canada. Marketing and PR resources, including a video on teen square dancing.
Central Puget Sound Council
Clubs, classes, and dances in the Seattle, Washington area.
Chattanooga Area Square Dance Association
Provides information on square and round dance clubs, covering the corners of North Georgia, Northeast Alabama, and Southeast Tennessee, there are 15 member clubs in the organization.
Eastern Ontario Square and Round Dance Association
Provides information about square and round dancing clubs in Eastern Ontario, Canada.
European Association of American Square Dancing Cl
Umbrella organization for modern western square dance club in Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, and Switzerland.
Florida Association of National Square Dance Campe
A complete list of Florida square dance camping chapters and contacts. There are also links to information about the State camp-o-ree.
Florida Round Dance Council
Location of round dancing in Florida and cuer contact information.
Grand Canyon Square Dance Association
Provides information about square dancing and square dance clubs in the state of Arizona.
Hawaii Federation of Square Dance Clubs
Square and round dance clubs, lessons, and events in Hawaii including annual state festival.
International Association of Gay Square Dance Club
Directory of IAGSDC, gay and lesbian modern western square dance clubs, calendar of events, and related links.
Metro Atlanta Square Dancers Association
Information about square dancing in Metro Atlanta area.
Mid-Atlantic Challenge Association [MACA]
Information on the association's clubs and callers, and its national publication, Zip Coder.
Minutemen Squares
Western square and round dance association for the Lexington, Maine area.
Montgomery Area Square Dance Association
Montgomery, Alabama. Square dancing and round dancing, dates, schedule and directions.
Nebraska State Square and Round Association
A complete listing of all square and round dancing activities in the state of Nebraska.
North Carolina Triangle Square and Round Associati
Provides information about North Carolina square and round dancing clubs in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and the surrounding areas.
Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs
Lists officers, events, classes, and clubs.
Palomar Square Dance Association
Activities and club information for northern San Diego County in California.
Peninsula Council Square and Round Dance
Clubs, classes and events in the Bremerton, Washington area.
San Diego Square Dance Association
Dances, classes, clubs and other information in San Diego, California.
Square and Folk Dance Federation of Washington
Information on clubs, classes, and dances in Washington.
Square and Round Dancers of Southern Nevada
Information on clubs in Clark, Nye, Nevada and Mohave counties, Arizona.
Square Dance in Northwest IN and IL
Information on square dance clubs, maps, pictures, music, and links to related square dance and round dance activities.
Tennessee State Association of Square and Round Da
Information about the association and the programs it sponsors/promotes, and about square and round dancing throughout Tennessee.
Texas Federation of Square and Round Dancers
List of annual events, educational documents available for downloading, promotional items.
Utah Square Dance Association
Useful information about Utah square and round dance clubs, callers, cuers, events, and locations.
Valley Associated Square Dancers
Central San Joaquin Valley, California. Association promoting square and round Dancing in the heart of California.
Vermont Association of Western Style Square Dance
Includes member clubs, area maps, and the information on the Vermont State Convention.
Victorian Square Dancing Association
Provides information about square and round dancing clubs, callers, and cuers in Australia.
West Virginia Square and Round Dancing
West Virginia. Square and round dance clubs in and around West Virginia are listed. Club schedules, locations, caller and cuer contact data is provided.