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Ballet recordings by Josu Gallastegui
Site describes a series of recordings for ballet class released by pianist Josu Gallastegui and includes complete listings of music for each selection. The pianist's biography, reviews, and ordering information are also available
Behind Barres
Classical music for class, CD and video for teachers and students by Judy Rice from the Joffrey Ballet School and piano accompanist Paul Lewis.
Brio Recordings
Recordings for ballet, pointe and variations clases. Offers ordering information and artist details.
Graham Dickson-Place
12 compact discs and sheet music for ballet/dance classes by Graham Dickson-Place (Former Musical Director of The Royal Academy of Dancing).
Guide to Dance Accompaniment for Musicians and Tea
Harriet Cavalli's representation includes her profile, information about ordering her CDs and book. English and German versions.
Janie Campbell's Metaxy - Music and Dance
San Francisco Bay Area concert piano player/dancer weaves music with dance imagery providing a therapeutical experience to concert goers.
La Danse accompagnee - La Mediaphorie - Paris
Professional music cdrom for complete classical dance training.
Miro Magloire - Music for dancers
Dance accompanist with leading companies and schools in New York City
Music for Ballet
Compact discs for sale. Directed by Vladimir Issaev, grand ballet master and choreographer.
Music for ballet class by Lisa Harris
Pianist Lisa Harris sells her CDs for ballet classes. RealAudio Samples are available
Robert Long Ballet Music
Site features new CD of music for ballet class with links to complete album contents, audio clips, FAQ page and ordering instructions (cheque or credit card, domestic or foreign).
The Sounds of Ballet CD
Designed for teachers, students, schools and lovers of the arts. Features traditional ballet music for class. Audio samples, artist profile, ordering and contact information.