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Buttons, Red
Comedian, entertainer and actor. Offering background, biography, filmography, news and contact details.
Goldberg, Ester
Jewish drag artist hosting a variety of quiz-style shows. Site features upcoming events, background information and contact details.
Konig, Dave
Provides biography, news, contact information, archives, audio clips and past appearances.
Miller, Max
British comedian of the 1930s, 40s and 50s, born in Brighton in 1894. Contains biography and history, appearances, movie credits, joke books and related links.
Mr. Zed
Robot comedian from the future. Includes history and information about comedian, past, present and future appearances and video clips.
Russell, Nipsey
Fan site for comedian and entertainer, known for work on game shows, Vaudeville and the movie "The Wiz." Includes fact file, news, picture archive and fan forum.
Slaight, Brad
Comedian and stage performer. Includes profile, publicity photos, background and contact information.
Two with a Difference
UK based comedy and vocal cabaret act for public and private events.
van Straaten, J. Keith
Live, non-televised talk show in Los Angeles and game show "Beat the Geeks." Includes biography, news, upcoming schedule, forum and contact information.