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How to Juggle 3 Balls
Instructions on the 3 ball cascade.
Juggling for Beginners
Instructions on how to juggle 3 and 4 balls and how to juggle clubs.
Juggling Instructions
Provides information on a range of juggling patterns and tricks, complete with animated gifs, MPEG movies, and java animations.
Juggling School
Learn to juggle, 3 ball tricks, devil stick tricks, diabolo tricks, trouble shooting, stories, jokes, routines, and links.
Learn to Juggle
Animated instructions shows you how to juggle 3 and 4 balls.
Paul's Juggling Paraphernalia Page
Chain mail juggling balls includes link to information on making your own set.
Peter Bone
Animated juggling patternes, videos, personal juggling records, juggling software.
Pop! the Klown
Includes a three-ball beginners' tutorial, with animated gifs showing each stage.
Relaxed Juggling and Passing Patterns
Information and ideas for various exotic club passing patterns, together with details of suitable notation.
The Juggling site of the moon
Learn to juggle, history, photos, and links.
Tricks With Hats
Provides instructions for many hat-manipulation tricks, with mpeg video clips of them being performed. Also includes a links to other useful resources, and advice on obtaining hats.
Wildcat Jugglers Tutorial
Provides instructions for a wide range of juggling tricks. Includes quicktime videos in real-time and slow-motion to illustrate the tricks.
Woofboy's Guide to Juggling
Provides instructions and advice for juggling balls and clubs, for beginners and intermediates. Includes mpeg videos to demonstrate the tricks.