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About.com: Humphrey Bogart
Celebrating Bogart's 100th birthday with two pages of links to tribute sites, reviews, filmographies, biographies, and posters.
Bogart & Bacall
The complete story from the time they met at her first screen test to their life offscreen
Bogart and Chess
An article about the actor's chess playing.
Bogart Cards
Variety of Bogie cards with his signatures, or personalized autographs.
Bogart Films
Provides a brief history and a list of Bogie films in descending order.
Bogart Movie Posters
Box office movie posters starring Humphrey Bogart.
Bogart of the 1940's
Biography, pictures, and did-you-know facts regarding Bogart in the 1940's film era.
Bogart on The Santana
Pictures, biography, and history on the constant love in Bogie's life, The Santana sail boat.
Bogart on Yahoo
A biography of Humphrey Bogart with films, co-stars, and links.
Bogart Reel Classics
Classic posters, memorabilia, photo footage, and memorable quotes from Bogie's screen appearances
Bogart's Best
Contains full biography, famous quotes, romantic gossip, and urban legends surrounding Bogie.
Bogart's Hollywood
History of Bogart's homes to his favorite Hollywood hang-outs.
Bogart's Mystique
The peak years of his film career are covered in depth, circa 1940 through 1954.
Bogart, Humphrey DeForest
[1899-1957] - American actor. Provides a brief article, list of his famous films and other links to Bogart.
Great Bogart
Provides Humphrey Bogart biography, photos, and filmography.
Hartford History: Bogart's Marriage
An article, by Kevin Flood discussing Bogart's marriage to Mary Philips in 1928.
Humphrey Bogart
Provides an article about Bogart by Louise Brooks.
Humphrey Bogart and Chess
Describes Bogart's passion for playing chess. Provides links to Bogart merchandise and chess playing.
Humphrey Bogart and Robert DeNiro
Robert DeNiro fan offers his Humphrey Bogart Filmography.
Humphrey Bogart Biography
Provides history and filmography.
Humphrey Bogart in the Coast Guard
In 1944 Bogart volunteered his service and yacht for service with the Temporary Reserve, today's Coast Guard Auxiliary.
IMDb: Humphrey Bogart
Provides a filmography, biography, message board, articles, quotes, pictures and links.
Meredy's Bogart Trivia
Offers Humphrey Bogart trivia questions
Movie Forum on Humphrey Bogart
Profile, photos, and fan discussion about the actor and his movies
Official Site of Humphrey Bogart
Includes news, biography, career highlights, awards, quotes, trivia, filmography, wallpaper, and video clips.
Photos of Bogart and Bacall's wedding
Shows four photos of the wedding at Louis Bromfield's Malabar Farm May 21, 1945. Part of Bromfield articles on PBS.
Punchy and Nana's tribute to Bogart
Complete biography, photos, filmography, and editorial out-takes of Bogart, the anti-hero.
Sahara and Bogie
Veteran journalist Kenneth Koyen's reminiscence of his experiences with Humphrey Bogart.
The Maltese Falcon
Classic Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade, the role which defined his career. Also includes a film history.
Trivia Tribute: Humphrey Bogart
Celebrity page with pictures, sounds, links, trivia and merchandise.
Warner Brothers: Humphrey Bogart
Warner Home Videos site, and Bogart shop. Also trivia, memories and downloads.
Yahoo! Movies: Humphrey Bogart
Includes biography, filmography, awards and image gallery.