All Movie Guide: Ellen Barkin
Includes vital statistics, biography, filmography, awards, and links.
Box Office Data for Ellen Barkin
A page that summarizes box office stats for movies Ellen Barkin appeared in.
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Ellen Barkin's profile page at the official site for her 1999 movie "Drop Dead Gorgeous".
E! Online: Ellen Barkin
E! Online's coverage includes a profile, filmography, stories, and various movie trailers.
Ellen Barkin TV Schedule
Ellen's TV schedule for the current month. With dates, times, channels, and movie information.
IMDb: Ellen Barkin
Ellen's profile at the Internet Movie Database. With filmography, biography, and various links.
MoviePeople Database: Ellen Barkin
Ellen's brief profile at With vital stats, biography, and filmography.
Smoking List - Barkin
Information on Ellen Barkin's smoking habits in her movies as well as in real life.
Star Archive: Ellen Barkin
The Star Archive's page has two autographed photos, plus her autograph address.
The Ellen Barkin Picture Gallery
Pictures from movies and magazines.
Thespian Net Presents Ellen Barkin
Offers movie credits, pictures, contact information, and links. Ellen Barkin Filmography
A brief filmography plus a bit of "Did You Know?" trivia.
Yahoo! Movies: Ellen Barkin
Includes biography, filmography and image gallery.