Astrocartography of Marcello Mastroianni
Focuses on how the planetary metaphor of the sun was reflected in his life and work.
Cinemaitalia - Marcello Mastroianni
Life story, filmography, tributes. In English, Italian and Spanish.
Classic Movies - The Megastars - Marcello Mastroia
Extensive list of links to sites containing filmography, biography, movies, fansites, reviews, photo galleries, movie posters, movies, books, trivia.
CNN - Marcello Mastroianni dies, Dec. 19, 1996
CNN obituary - life story, quotes, brief filmography
Daily Telegraph (UK) - obituary
Mastroianni, the reluctant Latin lover, dies at 72 - obituary.
Marcello Mastroianni
Various links, plus books and videos for purchase.
MSN Learning & Research: Mastroianni, Marcello
Microsoft Encarta entry for Marcello Mastroianni (1923-1996), internationally renowned Italian motion-picture actor.
The Times Foreign News - Trevi Fountain switched o
Obituary by The Times, London, UK. Quotes, tributes, life story, filmography.