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A Journal
A record of the thoughts, social activities and little events that make up a sadly typical life.
A Journey Through The Very Ordinary
Writings about life as viewed by a "very ordinary" person. Includes essays and lists on topics including religion/spirituality and science.
James Patric's Online Journal
Just my attempt at affecting the future by chronicling the past in the present. A twenty something gay male.
A monthly journal, started in 1999, previously focused on coffee and astrology. Rants on every subject from religion to politics to Social Darwinism.
Jay - Thoughts on the Inane and Retarded
A twenty-something Asian-American randomly muses about life, love, work, his paronoia, and his love for pork rinds.
Jealous of Justin
A journaling page from an opinionated guy named Jim.
Jeff and Lisa's Pad
Personal homepage of Jeff and Lisa Wong. This site contains journal entries, webcam transmissions, and miscellaneous stuff.
Jeffguy - Brainfarts
Four years of entries from a guy in New York City. Not updated since 2001.
Jen - Poeks Travelogue
A mix of travel memories, current thoughts, and "sarcasm as a weapon of the weak."
Jen - Scarlete's Psycho-babble
A thirty-something assistant editor from Florida who is "fascinated by the evil and mean" offers cynical, moody, and sometimes heartening thoughts.
Jenn - A Life In Progress
A future teacher and college girl in her early 20's writes about college, relationships, and family, and ponders what could happen next.
Jennings, Michael
His journal.
Jessa - Perpetual Midnight
University of Chicago student's online journal.
The writer's journal.
Jimski's Last Journal
Online diary showcasing the personal life and journal writing of a would-be wit in his twenties.
Jinyoung, Choi
A twenty-something Korean-American and graduate of University of California, Irvine, destined for the seminary.
Joanna Traynor
The writings of a student, single mother from Scotland.
Jodie's Journal
Journal of a California girl.
John, Daniel - Shoppingqueen's Personal Onlin
Contains his personal thoughts and opinions. It also has some pics and links and tells of events happening in the life of a young London gay guy.
Johnson, N
The life and writings of a person growing up in Sacramento, California.
Jon-Jon Diaries
The daily journals of a gay atheist objectivist writer musician and designer in Madison, WI.
Jones, Simon - Meanwhile: The Mumblings and Jumbli
Pondering single life near Liverpool after thirty.
Joots' Journal
Personal blabberations from Toronto, Canada.
Jordanne's Diary
Read about Jordanne's real life issues; anorexia, crushes, sad moments, and her secrets.
Jorge, Daniela - Coisas & Mais Coisas
A Californian creative designer by day, Daniela writes about her career, the corporate culture, her friends, and where she fits in.
Joshrocket.net - Project Axe
A guy who likes writing, reading, music and communicating.
Joshua - partiallyblind
A "professional geek" ends his comments each day with "Say hi. I'd like that."
Journal of a Girl
This is the electric journal of a girl.
Journal of a Writing Man
The daily journal of an English writer and poet living deep in the British countryside.
Journals From the Mill
Journal entries and poetry written while living in a 140 year old mill.
Journey and Destination
"Life is not about reaching destinations, it's about the journey." My mother said this to me shortly before she died, and its been my motto ever since.
JP's Blog
Thoughts and reflections on everyday life from Montreal, Quebec.
JrnAnonymous - Journal of Anonymous
An anonymous guy in his early 20's shares his thoughts about life, relationships past and present, and fitting into society.
Julie's Online Diary
This site is about life, exciting, boring, sex, lack of sex, love, hate and sometimes happiness.
Junction 24 by Jane Owen
Humorous daily experiences are chronicled in this slice of life journal. Some serious topics are also introduced.
Just Me
Life is a symphony - notes to myself.
Screens full of Justin, links that intertwine all over. One of the pioneers of the Online Journal.
Justin's Life...
A look at life, fun, dating, redheaded guys, and everything else from a gay twenty-something's point of view. The original normal gay guy online journal. Online since January 1995.
Mental Sewage
Don't let the bunnies fool you.
Take to the Sky
Frequently updated musings of 26-year-old Jolene.
The Jack Jackman Project
Articles and opinions on a wide variety of topics.
The human experience. One life exposed.