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E-Blimey - the almost literary email magazine
UK-based but universe-focused nearly-literary email magazine of two years standing. Archives online.
Literary e-zine with short stories, poetry, and essays.
Easy Writers
A monthly webzine of novel excerpts, short stories, poetry and articles.
Eclectica Magazine
Literary variety magazine featuring fiction, poetry, non-fiction, humor, and reviews.
EIP Jounal
Quarterly electronic journal of politics, fiction, commentary, essays, humor and art.
Electric Acorn
Irish poets and authors showcase original poetry and fiction in this webzine, published three times a year.
Eleven Bulls
An organization dedicated to promoting emerging writers and artists. A monthly journal is published online.
This webzine publishes fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Also includes reviews and interviews.
Eloquent Isermans Enterprising Inkslingers' O
The Number One Source for Iserman Authored Articles, Stories, Poetry, Reviews, Essays and Scripts.
Showcases "hyper web text media zine art"--an eccentric mix including fiction and essays.
A webzine for new writers to showcase their poems, short stories, novellas, and other forms of creative writing.
Webzine featuring fiction, also including essays and poetry.
The Eclipse
A webzine, featuring poetry, art and fiction.