Fine City Chorus
A men's barbershop chorus based in Norwich England. They are members of the British Association of Barbershop Singers.
Folsom Harmony Express
Background and contact information on the Orangevale California chapter of SPEBSQSA.
Forest City Fanfare
A newly organized barbershop chorus in the City of London, Ontario, Canada.
Fort Sumter Harmonizers
Charleston, South Carolina chapter SPEBSQSA.
Founders Chorus
Background information, upcoming events, and contact information for the founding chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America.
The Fox Valleyaires
Events, meeting times, photographs, sound clips, and general information on the Appleton Wisconsin Chapter, SPEBSQSA.
The Friends of Harmony Barbershop Chorus
Located in the greater Buffalo, NY area they are a male barbershop chorus. They welcome new members and singing opportunities.