english deutsch
Melodeers Chorus
1995, 1998, 2001 and 2004 Sweet Adelines International champion chorus from Northbrook Illinois.
Metro Mix
Official site for the Sweet Adelines, International barbershop chorus from Iowa City, Iowa.
Millstone Valley Chorus
The Princeton, New Jersey chapter of Sweet Adelines International. A non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and teaching four-part barbershop harmony, an American folk art, for women's voices.
Mission Valley Chorus
Applies its talents to virtually every style of music that can be called American: Jazz, Rhythm and Blues, Broadway, Big Band, Gospel, Swing, and even Rock 'n Roll. From Palo Alto, California.
Mission Viejo Chapter of Sweet Adelines
Women's barbershop chorus from Orange County California, membership information and singing opportunities.
Mollyockett Chorus
Sweet Adelines Chorus from Norway,?Maine.
Montreal Chapter
Montreal,?Quebec chapter of Harmony Inc.
Mount Sugarloaf
Sweet Adelines chorus from South Deerfield,?Massachusetts.
The Merrimack Valley Chorus
A women's a cappella show chorus whose members reside throughout The Merrimack Valley, Wilmington, MA.