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About.com: Top 40/Pop
Pop music news, reviews, weekly and yearly charts, lyrics, guitar tabs, links and the latest information on artists, tours, and new releases.
Focusing on guitar based pop and indie bands from Brisbane, Australia. Includes news, a gig guide, artist profiles, reviews, features, and resources.
Designer Magazine
A UK based e-zine featuring the latest news, reviews and interviews with artists in the world of indie, pop, dance and hip hop music.
Electronic Sonic Press
Interviews and articles on most genres of pop music. Free MP3s, giveaways, links and reader participation features.
Extended Playhouse
Pop music discourse and analysis on new releases and reissues.
Freaky Trigger
Pop music fanzine featuring reviews, commentary and opinionated nonsense.
E-zine with message boards, live chat and MP3s. The focus is on melodic pop music.
Perspective, rants and satire from the UK covering contemporary pop and alternative music. Updated twice weekly.
Music Head
Weekly music e-zine featuring reviews, interviews, contests, and a photo archive of stars and unsigned acts.
Pop On Top
E-zine focusing on power pop, high energy rock 'n' roll, and garage rock, with a special emphasis on Australian artists.
Pop Pages
Photographic e-zine of Vancouver, Canada's indie pop music scene.
A multi-media web-zine, covering all aspects of popular culture, from music to movies to mobiles.
Pop Zine Online
Offering information, interviews, breaking news, rumors, downloads, and concert/CD reviews.
Pop music news and information, charts, special artist features and interactive music chat.
Shake It Up
Pop and alternative album reviews, articles, sounds and interviews.
Suite 101.com Pop Music
CD reviews, artist interviews and profiles, music news, links, polls and discussions.
Topix.net: Pop Rock
News about pop, collected from various sources on the web.
Utter Music
British pop e-zine with a featured artist section, new CD reviews, contests, trivia and forgotten gems.