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Hip Online: Jurassic 5
Biography, interview, links, and reviews.
Jurassic 5
Official site with news, history, audio and video clips, tour dates, photos and bulletin board.
Jurassic 5 Web
Pictures, news, lyrics, biographies, multimedia, and links.
Jurassic 5: Interview
Interviewed by Bevan Jee.
Ohhla.com: Jurassic 5
Pitchfork Media: Jurassic 5: Quality Control
Reviewed by Ryan Schreiber.
Rapdirt.com: Jurassic 5
Searches Rapdirt.com for J5 material.
RollingStone.com: Jurassic 5
Features biography, discography with real audio samples, and access to artist message boards.
The Concrete Schoolyard
Lyrics and pictures.
The Elements: Jurassic 5
The Influence
Fansite with photographs, lyrics, biographies, buddy icons, livejournal icons and wallpapers.
Unified Rebellion
History of the group, profiles of each member, videos, lyrics, and pictures.
UnRated Magazine: Jurassic 5
Live review and photos of the April 16, 2003 show at HOB Chicago