english deutsch
Eno, Roger
Reviews, All Music Guide: Roger Eno, Channel Light Vessel, iMusic: Roger Eno, Materiali Sonori - Roger Eno, Starsend: Roger Eno, The Gathering: Roger Eno, Lol Hammond and Roedeliu
East End
Official project site with background, artwork, and MP3s clips.
Echoes Delight
Official website for Karl Hallgrimsson's ambient work. Contains a short biography, .wav sounds, and purchasing information.
Emerald Castle Music
Ambient electronic music by William Linton. Biography, releases, reviews, and off-site MP3 downloads.
Escape Veloopity
Michael Peters electronic guitar loop improvisations. There are sound samples, an introduction to this new musical form, disgoraphy, and order information.
Everything Must Go
Ambient instrumental electronic space music band consisting of Rob and Russ Giffen on synthesizers.
Official site for the band Exit. They offer limited-edition recordings as well as ambient-leaning books, and there are sound files on the site.