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Country Music Songwriter/Artists Bobby Dee
Sonwriter/Artist Bobby Dee plays straight forward, stripped-down Traditional Country Music. Bobby's site features many RealAudio songs to listen and download from his official site.
Sales and RealAudio downloads of limited-edition "Game Over" CD (first track is a five-minute atmospheric cyber-ish audio collage); also "burnout" tire-streak-art event promotion sub-site.
Lana and Jose's Jukebox
Real Audio Files and Biographies of independent artist, links, writings and other Netly delights. Written in Spanish and English.
Live Music Corner
RealAudio, MP3 and MIDI recordings created in a virtual studio on the Internet. Originals and (some) covers.
Presents new praise music, parenting, daily devotion and web hosting.
Ray Hildreth's Basement Tapes
Original tunes in RealAudio from sessions recorded in my basement studio. Included here are songs by Doug Jacobs and Ross Rainey.
Seattle Music
Seattle Music with RealAudio and RealVideo.Contains club calendars so you can preview the music and then go catch them live.
Sinhala Songs
Sinhala songs in RealAudio and MP3 format for download.
Stronghold is a Christian hardcore band that sounds something like Project 86 and Blindside