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BMan's Website
Personal website with large MP3 collection of rock and electronic music.
Court's MP3 Site
Features a few songs for download.
DaSpy's Bar
Webmaster's own collection of over 40 classic rock songs from Hendrix, Rolling Stones, Black Sabbath or Iron Maiden.
Elaine's Groovy Grove
Contains MP3 files of Billboard Hits, Disney and other movies' soundtracks, & foreign songs.
Hiryu Audio Productions
MP3 dance and hip-hop remixes of cartoon and game music.
Italian Music Console
MP3 files of songs by Italian artists.
A collection of rock and alternative MP3s, and articles by the webmaster.
Marshall's Music Domain
Offers MP3 files of American patriotic songs.
More MP3 Mayhem
Collection of the webmaster's favourite rock MP3s from bands like Pantera, Kitte, Slipknot and System Of A Down.
MP3 Trade
Website facilitating the trading of MP3s. Contains a list of the owner's files available for trade.
Randy's MP3s
Over 300 MP3s for free. View file list here, then access via IRC after contacting site owner on ICQ.
Slang's Cool MP3s
Legal MP3 downloads. Editor's pick of various themes and other songs.
The National Cynical Network's Sound Room
Midnight Voicejail episodes and other sound clips.
Truckin' MP3s
Collection of songs by various artists.
Small collection of various styles including classical, techno and atmospheric drums.