english deutsch
University of Helsinki, University of Jyväskylä
Florida State University - Society for Musicology
Information about programs offered, staff, publications, and events.
Indiana University Musicology Department
Includes information about faculty, programs, courses, entrance examinations, and financial aid.
Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music
Department of Musicology at Ghent University, Belgium. Includes department history, information about education, activities, and research.
Institute of Musicology of the University of Vienn
Site offers information about staff, faculty, and study programs.
Ohio State University: Music Cognition
A unique degree program which combines psychology, music theory, systematic musicology, and ethnomusicology into the study of human brains. Site includes articles, workshops, and resources on music cognition.
Rhodes University: Music and Musicology
University is located in South Africa. Includes information on degree programs, academic calendar, and entrance requirements.
The University of Kansas Division of Musicology
Offers bachelors, masters and doctorate degrees in musicology and music history; features faculty profiles.
UCLA Department of Musicology
The University of California at Los Angeles offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in Musicology. Includes history of the department, faculty bios, and links to journals and pages of recent Ph.D. students.
University of Cincinnati: Composition, Musicology
Includes course, faculty, and degree requirements, as well as links to the Center for Computer Music and several concert series.
University of Hawaii, Manoa: Graduate Programs in
Includes information about faculty and libraries, as well as application requirements.
University of Illinois: Musicology
Includes degree and entrance requirements, faculty bios, and program descriptions.
University of Iowa: Musicology
Degrees offered are the M.A. and the Ph.D. in Musicology. Includes faculty biographies and application forms.
University of North Carolina
Graduate degrees offered by the Music Department include a Master of Arts in Music History and Literature, and a Ph.D. in Musicology. Detailed application instructions.
University of South Africa: Subsection of Musicolo
Offering courses in the history of music, music in world cultures, and compositional theory.