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Niccolo Porpora
Entry with the Lied and Art Songs Text Page with lyrics.
Nicola Antonio Giacinto Porpora
Biography, discography, and related articles from the Goldberg Early Music Portal.
Nicola Antonio Porpora
Biography, portraits, partial discography, related composers, and period information from the Here of a Sunday Morning radio program.
Nicola Porpora
Wikipedia article summarizing his life and works with internal references to related people and topics and external links.
Porpora Project: Nicola Porpora
Investigation into his life and works by performer and musicologist James Sanderson. Includes new editions, discussion, articles, and visitors input.
Porpora, Nicola
Biography linked to related composers and explanatory notes from Timothy A. Smith's Sojourn pages.
Porpora, Nicola Antonio
Extended biography with reference and explanatory notes, portrait, and links. By James Sanderson for Baroque Composers.