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Classical Music Archives: Perotin
Music files offered in MIDI format.
HyperMusic: Leonin and Perotin
Biographical material on the two composers and their relationship with each other. Includes sample music in MIDI audio format.
Biography of the student of Léonin with major musical accomplishments from the Grove Concise Dictionary of Music.
Wikipedia article summarizing his style and noting his influence on late 20th Century minimalism such as that of Steve Reich. Includes internal references to related people and topics.
Perotin and Notre Dame Organum
Biographical background and relationship with Leonin lead to a brief explanation of the growth of polyphony and indications of how it led into development of the motet. Includes links.
Pérotin Magister
Classical Net's Basic Repertoire with biography, historical significance, and recommended recordings.
Pérotin the Great
Brief biography of Perotinus Magister with key works, suggested reading, timeline, and recommended recordings from Humanities Web.
Pérotin [Perotinus Magnus]
Biography, musical contributions, related composers, and related material from the Here Of A Sunday Morning radio program.
Pérotin, (c. 1160 - c. 1205), France
Biographical data, major works, musicological development, recommended CDs, books, and sheet music, bibliography, and links to biographical essays from Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers.
Perotin: A Discography
Notes scant biography as provided by Anonymous IV, tracing his relationship to Leonin and his own contributions to polyphony. Recordings containing his works are listed.