Dorothy Lees-Blakey
Description of Lees-Blakey's work as composer, lyricist, writer, whose recordings and publicationss range from songs for children to a full-length musical 'Pride and Prejudice. With pictures and music.
Kehmann, Wilfred
Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings from the Australian Music Centre.
La Berge, Anne
Picture, biography, sound files, compositions, and discography, from Kalvos and Damian.
Laburda, Jiri
(1931- ), Sobeslav, Czech Republic. Biography and selected compositions from the Czech Music Information Project.
Lacaze, Sophie
Picture, biography, selected works, discography, and bibliography from Le Centre de Documentation de la Musique Contemporaine.
Lacey, Glenn Scott
Glenn Scott Lacey conducts orchestras, composes scores for television and film, writes music for Jazz and Classical performers, and is a songwriter/producer for up and coming popular artists.
Lachert, Piotr
(1938- ), Warsaw, Poland. Picture, biography, complete catalog, and performances as pianist.
Lachert, Piotr
(1938- ), Warsaw, Poland. Includes time line of events.
Ladd, Andrew
(1960- ), Canterbury, England. Picture, biography and musical opinion, chronological list of works, and music samples.
LaFave, Kenneth
Biography, picture, downloadable audio files, recent press notices, and news of current performances and recordings.
Laganella, David
(1974- ) Picture, biography, sound files, and information on his book "The Composer's Guide to the Electric Guitar."
Lake, Oliver
Picture, biography, works, reviews, and events from the American Music Center.
Lalor, Stephen
Picture, biography, and list of works and recoedings, from the Australian Music Centre
Lam, Bun-Ching
(1954- ), Macao, China. Picture, biography, interviews, events, list of works, discography, and reviews.
Lamb, Marvin
Picture, biography, and compositions, from Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc.
Lamberti, Daniel
(1958- ), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Composer for films and theater. Curriculum vitae, sound files, and sheet music.
Lamburn, Maria
(1960- ) Picture, biography, sound file, and selected works from the British Composers World Wide Web Project.
Lancino, Thierry
(1954- ), Civray, France. Picture, biography, catalog, recordings, commissions, and projects.
Lang, Rupert G.
(1948- ), Red Deer, Alberta. Biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Lanman, Anthony Joseph
(1973- ) Biography, scores, sound files, and works.
Lann, Vanessa
(1968- ), Brooklyn, New York. Includes biography, a list of works, review excerpts, and a list of CDs. Composes for orchestras, ensembles and multimedia projects.
Lanner, Luigi Negretti
Biography, some scores and some sound files, catalog of works, and composing software for download.
Länsiö, Tapani
(1953- ), Finland. Profile and articles, curriculum vitae, list of works, discography, and photographs, from the Finnish Music Information Centre.
Lansky, Paul
(1944- ), New York City. Picture, biography, and works, from Sony Music.
Lantz, Christopher
(1936- ), Santa Fe, New Mexico. Visual artist and avant-garde music composer.
Lanza, Alcides
(1929- ), Rosario, Argentina. Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Laporte, Jean-François
(1968- ) Biography from
LaRocca, Frank
(1951- ), Newark, New Jersey. Picture, biography, compositions, and score samples.
Larsen, Libby
(1950- ) Includes biography, discography, list of works, and educational resources.
Laskewicz, Zachar
(1971- ), Western Australia. Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre.
Lassonde, Claude
Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Lauba, Christian
(1952- ), Sfax, Tunesia. Biography and discussion of 'Brasil sem fim' (1992, for piano), from the Gaudeamus Foundation.
Lauber, Anne
Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Lauer, Elizabeth
Picture and biography, from Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies.
Laurin, Rachel
(1961- ), St. Benoît, Canada. Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Lauten, Elodie
(1950- ), Paris, France. Picture, biography, events, press quotes, and discography.
Lauwers, Kristof
Picture, biography, compositions, scores and sound files.
Lavista, Mario
(1943- ), Mexico. Biography and discussion of 'Responsorio,' for bassoon and percussion (1988), from the Gaudeamus Foundation.
Lawalrée, Dominique
(1954- ), Brussels, Belgium. Biography, scores, and sound files, from New Consonant Music.
Lawson, Matthew
(1987- ), Scarborough, England. Biography and sound tracks.
Lazarof, Henri
(1932- ), Sofia, Bulgaria. Picture and biography, from Theodore Presser.
Lazkano, Ramon
(1968- ), San Sebastian, Spain. Biography, catalog, discography, and activities.
Le Fleming, Anthony
Picture, biography, reviews, recordings, selected works, and concerts, from Impulse.
Leach, Mary Jane
Picture, biography, compostions, projects, recordings, and press.
Leavitt, John
Includes background information and listings of publications and music as well as discography and recordings.
LeBaron, Anne
Compositions, discography, opera and music theatre projects, reviews, biography, performances and sound files, scores, and articles.
LeBaron, Anne
Picture, biography, reviews, and works, from the American Music Center.
Lebic, Lojze
(1934- ), Prevalje, Slovenia. Biography and discussion of 'Queensland Music' for orchestra, from the Gaudeamus Foundation.
Ledroit, Christien
(1975- ), London, Ontario. Biography, selected works, and selected discography, from The Living Composers Project.
Lee, Brent
(1964- ), Wynard, Saskatchewan. Biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Lee, Hope
Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Lee, Noël
Picture, biography, and works, from the American Music Center.
Lee, Thomas Oboe
(1945- ), Beijing, China. Includes profile, awards and commissions.
Leef, Yinam
(1953- ) Biography, selected compositions, discography, and reviews, from the Israel Music Institute.
Leek, Stephen
(1959- ), Sydney, Australia. Picture, Biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre.
Leese, Michael
Picture and biography, from the Cleveland Composers Guild.
Lehrman, Leonard
(1949- ), Kansas. Picture, biography, recordings, and list of works.
Leisner, David
(1953- ) Includes biography, discography, reviews, and contact information.
Lemay, Robert
Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Len, Igor
Includes biography, information on his studio and current projects, and audio examples of his works.
Lennon, John Anthony
Picture, biography, compositions, and recordings, from Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies.
Lentini, James
(1958-) Picture, biography, recent publications, and list of works with sound files.
Lesser, David
(1966- ), Birmingham, England. Biography and list of works, from The Living Composers Project.
Levering, Arthur
Biography, picture, musical works with sound files, performances, and reviews.
Levin, Gregory
(1943- ) Biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Levin, Stefan
(1964- ), Värnamo, Sweden. Picture, curriculum vitae, compositions, scores, and performances.
Lévinas, Michail
(1949- ), Paris, France. Biography from the Gaudeamus Foundation.
Levinson, Gerald
(1951- ) Picture and biography from Theodore Presser.
Lewis, Jr., Clovice A.
Composer and professor. Picture, biography, and list of compositions.
Lewis, Peter Scott
(1953- ), San Raphael, California. Picture, biography, works, discography, and reviews, from Theodore Presser.
Lewis, Tony
(1955- ), Singapore. Biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre.
Lewkovitch, Bernhard
(1927- ), Denmark. Biography and CDs, from Da Capo.
Lidl, Vaclav
(1922- ), Brno, Czech Republic. Biography and selected compositions, from the Czech Music Information Project.
Liebenson, Roni Alec
(1980- ) Biography, works list, sound files, scores, poetry and photographs.
Lieberman, David
The Anigraphical Etudes Nos. 1, 2, 4, &6, a collection of animated, interactive, aleatoric contemporary music scores.
Liedbeck, Sixten
(1916- ), Karlsborg, Sweden. Biography from the Swedish Music Information Center.
Lilburn, Douglas Gordon
(1915-2001), Wanganui, New Zealand. Picture, list of works, CDs, and biography, from the Classical Composers Database.
Lim, Liza
(1966- ), Perth, Australia. Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings from the Australian Music Centre.
Lind, Lanette M.
Picture, biography, and works, from the American Music Center.
Lindborg, PerMagnus
(1968- ), Badelunda, Sweden. Picture, curriculum vitae, list of compositions, sound files, activities, and writings.
Lindgren, Pär
(1952- ), Gothenburg, Sewden. Picture and biography, from the Swedish Music Information Center.
Lindroth, Scott
Biography, compositions, curriculum vitae, and sound files.
Linjama, Jouko
(1934- ), Kirvu, Finland (now Russia). Profile and articles, curriculum vitae, list of works, discography, and bibliography, from the Finnish Music Information Centre.
Linjama, Jyrki
(1962- ), Jyväskylä, Finland. Profile and articles, list of works, discography, bibliography, and photographs, from the Finnish Music Information Centre.
Linkola, Jukka
(1955- ), Helsinki, Finland. Picture, profile and articles, curriculum vitae, list of works,discography, and bibliography, from the Finnish Music Information Centre.
Linn, Robert
(1925-1999), San francisco, California. Obituary from NewMusicBox.
Lintinen, Kirmo
(1967- ), Saarijärvi, Finland. Profile and articles, curriculum vitae, list of works, discography, and bibliography, from the Finnish Music Information Centre.
Linz, Rainer
(1955- ), Essen, Germany. Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre.
Liptak, David
(1949- ), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Picture, biography, and list of works and performances.
Lis, Anthony
Picture and biography.
Little, David T.
(1978- ), New Jersey. Picture, biography,music, and news.
Llewellyn, Becky
(1950- ), St. Paul, Minnesota. Picture and curriculum vitae, from the Australian Music Centre.
Lloyd, Robert
Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre.
Locklair, Dan
(1949- ), Charlotte, North Carolina. Picture, biography, commissions, compositions, discography, and press.
Locks, Steve
(1964- ), Loughton, Essex, England. Pictures, biography, works, and sound files.
Lodge, Martin
Born in New Zealand. Picture and biography.
Logan, Matthew
(1980- ), Jacksonville, Florida. Biography, sound files, and pictures.
Lombardi, Luca
(1945- ), Rome, Italy. Picture and biography, from Casa Ricordi.
Lomon, Ruth
Picture and biography.
London, Edwin
(1929- ), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Biography and list of works, from the Cleveland Composers Guild.
Longtin, Michel
Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Lonsdale, Michael
(1961- ), Whitebridge, New South Wales. Biography and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre.
Lorrain, Denis
(1948- ), Canada. Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Loudová, Ivana
(1941- ), Chlumec nad Cidlinou, Czech Republic. Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Czech Music Information Centre.
Louie, Alexina
(1949- ), Vancouver, British Columbia. Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Lowe, Wesley R.
(1953- ), Vancouver, British Columbia. Biography and selected works, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Lowery, Ryan
)1978- ), Colorado Springs, Colorado. Picture, biography, scores, and soundfiles.
Loy, Christopher Morgan
Audio samples, score samples, photo gallery, reviews, concert schedule, latest news, and more. CDs and scores available for sale.
Lucchi, Rolando
(1963- ), Trento, Italy. Picture, biography, works, recordings, and writings, from the Archives of Contemporary Music, University of Trento.
Ludtke, William G.
Biography, audio files, concerts, photographs, and contact information.
Luedeke, Raymond
(1944- ), New York City. Picture, biography, selected works, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Luengen, Ramona
(1960- ), Vancouver, British Columbia. Picture, biography, and CDs, from the Canadian Music Centre.
Lukas, Zdenek
(1928- ) Picture, biography, and selected works, from Quattro.
Lund, Erik,+Erik,+Chair+-+Composition-Theor
Picture and biography.
Lundquist, Torbjörn Iwan
(1920-2000), Stockholm,Sweden. Biography from the Swedish Music Information Center.
Luque, Sergio
(1976- ) Mexico City. Biography, MP3's, list of works and news.
Lützow-Holm, Ole
(1954- ), Copenhagen, Denmark. Biography from the Swedish Music Information Center.
Luxemburg, Arkady
Contemporary composer, instructor in San Diego, California. Styles: Classical, Jazz, Pop,Ballet, Film and TV music.
Lynch, Michael
Composer for Film, TV, PBS productions and the Jan Kurtis Civil War Documentaries.
Lyne, Peter
(1946- ), Northhampton, England. Biography from the Swedish Music Information Center.
Lyon, David
(1938- ), Walsall, England. Picture, Biography, recordings and reviews, sound files, and selected works, from Impulse.
Lysight, Michel
(1958- ), Uccle, Belgium. Includes biography, discography, and works.