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Diabelli Variations
Diabelli Variations, Diabelli Variations: 34 Pianists, Diabelli Variations:From Parody to Transfiguration, The Diabelli Variations: Ludwig van Beethoven
All About Beethoven
Major life events and informative influences, commentary on various works with sample notation, gallery of portraits and places, free sheet music in DOC format, advice on playing selected pieces, and links.
Austrian Tourist Board: Ludwig van Beethoven
A short illustrated biography.
BBC News: Beethoven's Ninth Up for Sale
The earliest-known draft of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony goes under the hammer with an estimated price tag of up £200,000.
Biography and a photo album.
Beethoven Depot
Catalog of works, information on the 9 symphonies, MIDI collection, message board and chat room, pictures, and biography.
Beethoven in Vienna
An article describing tourist sites related to his life.
Beethoven Memorial Museum
Floridsdorf, Vienna, Austria: The former home of countess Erdödy, where some of his works were composed; now houses a museum and small concert hall.
Beethoven on Vintage Postcards
Graphic image gallery and history of early 20th century European postcards depicting the composer. Biographical notes with images of some of the postcards.
Beethoven's Hair
Includes information about an analysis of his lock of hair, and how lead poisoning may have been the cause of death.
Beethoven's Symphony No. 5
A flash presentation analyzing the first movement of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C Minor.
Beethoven, the Man and the Artist, as Revealed in
Quotes and writings by the composer.
Beethoven: Music and Information
Biography, MIDI files, list of compositions and portraits.
Beethoven: The Magnificent Master
Biography, listing of works, picture gallery, creation histories, music criticism, other composers, and opera guides.
Carolina Classical: Beethoven, A Musical Titan
Explanations of his list of major compositions integrated with his biography.
Classic Cat: Beethoven
Directory of mp3s that have been made available by their performing artists and links to related sites.
Classical Music Archives: Beethoven
Over 800 works by the composer offered in MIDI, MP3, and Windows Media audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists. Two biographies, including that from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. Timelines, search engine.
Classical Music Pages
Article from The Grove Concise Dictionary of music with portrait and links. Includes information on symphonies, concerti, piano and chamber music, picture gallery, list of works, and bibliography.
Classical Net: Beethoven
Basic repertoire list, MIDI files, and recommended recordings.
Classicals: Beethoven Forum
Forum and chat.
Decca Classics
Brief biography and illustration with emphasis on his humanity and personal struggles.
Famous Classical Composers: Ludwig van Beethoven
Brief biography of his early years including his musical talent and problems with his father; includes illustrations.
Fan Faire: Celebrating Beethoven
Includes chronology, graphics and compositions.
Find Link: Ludwig Van Beethoven
Life and works of the composer.
Grave of Beethoven
Photographs of the burial place of the composer in Vienna. The cemetery shows other notables sharing his resting place.
Humanities Web: Ludwig Van Beethoven
Brief biography, list of key works, a timeline, and quotes.
IMDb: Beethoven Filmography
Includes television shows and movies featuring his music and various productions based on his life.
Karadar: Beethoven
Information about his life, works, catalogues. Contains MIDI files including sonatas and all nine symphonies.
Kunst der Fuge: Ludwig van Beethoven
Includes a collection of MIDI files, biography from Grove, portrait and bibliography.
Life of Beethoven
Brief biographical outline.
Lucare: Beethoven the Immortal
Introduction and detailed account of the composers life. Articles include his deafness, demeanor, daily routine, medical history, final days, and letters. MIDI recordings also available.
Markwshead: Beethoven Music Analysis
A statisical analysis of Symphony No. 3 by Mark W. Shead using statistical methods to study the 3rd Symphony.
Mfiles: Ludwig van Beethoven
Brief biography, links to related composers, and music examples in sheet music, MIDI, or MP3.
Naxos: Ludwig Van Beethoven
Brief biography and caricature with summaries of his stage works, choral and vocal, orchestral, chamber, piano, and dance music with recommended recordings.
Passion and Romance: Beethoven
Contains MIDI files, wallpapers, a biography, picture gallery, quotes, and numerological facts.
Record Hall: Ludwig Van Beethoven
A biography, and short analyses of some of his most popular works.
Simon Johnston: Ludwig van Beethoven
Heiligenstadt Testament, lyrics of the Ninth Symphony, works list and bibliography.
SJLibrary: Beethoven Database
San Jose State University provides a fully indexed bibliography of published materials relating to the composer, including biographies and compositions.
Sonatas for Piano Solo
Interpretations of the composers piano sonatas, including the Appassionata and Moonlight sonatas.
Analysis and short audio clip of Symphony No.5. Includes a biography, works, and sheet music downloads.
The Beethoven Reference Site
Includes biography, pictures, a discussion, family tree, and complete list of works.
The Beethoven Society of Australia
Group dedicated to annual performances of the Ninth Symphony. History, events, and how to join.
The Loudoun Symphony
An analysis of his Symphony No. 9.
The Master: Ludwig Van Beethoven
Catalog of works, biography, and letters.
The Romantic Cult and the Ode to Joy
An account of the international mourning following Beethoven's death and the acclamation of the Ode as a "European anthem."
The Symphonies of Ludwig van Beethoven on Record
Personal reviews of his nine symphonies.
The Unheard Beethoven
MIDI files of the composers less famous compositions.
WQXR: Beethoven
Musical biography with education and influences, the gradual increase of deafness, and the development of his musical voice with comparison of periods of his life. Also, a summary list of works from the Grove Concise Dictionary of Music entry at WQXR radio.