english deutsch
Bach, P. D. Q. (1807 - 1742), Germany
Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and link to biographical essay from Dr. Estrella's Incredibly Abridged Dictionary of Composers.
P. D. Q. Bach
Wikipedia article with summary, biography, musicography, works, and internal references to related topics.
P.D.Q. Bach
Biographical information on the twenty-first of J. S. Bach's twenty children with illustrations, works, recordings, books, audio books, video cassettes, and summaries of reviews at Presser.
P.D.Q. Bach Bio
Official site of JSB's (possibly illegitimate or even counterfeit) twenty-first of his twenty children. Biography of one named "the most dangerous musician since Nero," purchase information (caveat emptor), concert and recording details, and links.
PDQ Bach Memorial Library at the University of Sou
References and resources dedicated to the fictitious composer and his flesh-and-blood alter ego Peter Schickele.
PDQ Bach Tidbits
Page designed for a middle school includes explanation of some of the humor and annotated links.