english deutsch
An Evangelical Musical Genius: "J. S. B.: S.
Evaluation of Bach's overt Christianity, Lutheran heritage, and commitment to Reformation doctrine.
Bach and Dürer: Passion Music and Imagery
Series of woodcuts matched with selections from the St. Matthew Passion. Includes scenes from late in the life of Christ, his suffering, death, burial.
Bach and Today's Theologians
States that Bach's liturgical accomplishments include not proof-texting, but presenting the Scriptures in a straightforward manner so they might reveal themselves as God intended.
Bach B Minor Mass
Analysis of the theological enumeration of certain portions of the piece according to a Trinitarian understanding of God.
Bach Bibliography
Complex engine by Yo Tomita allows search by keyword, musical type, language, publication type, and aspect of discussion, including general, historical, biographical, manuscript, and religious.
Bach, the Evangelist
Text of radio play featuring the composer with contributions from Michael Merissen, Robin Leaver, and John Kleinig, with references to various compositions as his music and theology are examined.
Bach: The Fifth Evangelist
Emphasizes the religious education and theological understanding of the composer as a means of understanding and appreciating his compositions.
Canons: Why Did Bach Write Them?
Essay concludes that canonic processes may have held profound theological significance for the composer.
Coming to Fresh Terms with the Sacred in Bach
Masaaki Suzuki's planned recording of the entire Bach canon brings focus to an examination on the necessity of being Christian to sing, play, or appreciate the composer's music, especially sacred works.
Fugue No. 4: C-Sharp Minor
Theological connotations of the piece from the Well-Tempered Clavier Book I with an analysis and performance in Shockwave format. From Sojourn by Timothy A. Smith.
J. S. Bach: Orthodox Lutheran Theologian
A brief study his theology, examining whether he was an Orthodox Lutheran, a Pietist, or a Rationalist. Includes endnotes, annotated bibliography, and a brief time line.
J.S. Bach in Japan
Uwe Siemon-Netto makes claims that the composer's religious music is evangelizing Japan and preparing hearers for Christianity.
Meaningfulness in Bach's Cyclical Works
This article examines pattern and meaning in the canons and other parts of the composers' works, both sacred and secular. Includes VCD sound.
Table Talk: What Language Shall I Borrow To Thank
Lutheran Ministerium and Synod of the United States newsletter includes article on the religious works of Bach.
The Greatest Lutheran Composer
A tribute to Bach and his contributions to church music by James Sucha.
When Did Bach Find Time to Pray?
Brief examination of the gematria, or number patterns in his compositions, suggesting that their careful placement was part of his prayer and meditation.