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News, links and mailing list archive.
Idiot-Free Spreadnet
Yahoo discussion group that was spawned from frustration of the growing number of irrelevant posts to Spreadnet, the largest Widespread Panic discussion list. Beware, it is still chock full of idiots, but the volume is less and the posts can be more relevant.
Online photo gallery featuring concert shots of Widespread Panic.
Panic Fans for Food
Information and contact details for a charity that collects food and money at Widespread Panic concerts and then distributes it to the needy.
Provides streaming audio for fans of Widespread Panic to listen to selected concerts in addition to providing fan-submitted photos, downloads and an active discussion board.
Phantasy Panic
Contains concert information, tour dates, photos, news, and a setlist game.
RollingStone.com: Widespread Panic
Includes biography, discography, pictures, articles, video files, and message board.
Satisfied: My Panic Linc
A CDR list for trading.
News, mailing lists, tour dates, audio clips, lyrics, and interviews.
The Everyday Companion Online
Catalog of the concerts and songs. Includes performance dates, set lists, and other stats. Also PDF and Palm OS downloads.
The Gateway
A group of Widespread Panic fans who choose to remain drug and alcohol free.
Widespread Panic
Official site with tour dates, merchandise, and downloads.
Widespread Panic Movie
An official movie about Widespread Panic to be released at the end of 2001.
Yahoo! Music Widespread Panic Groups/Board
Directory of Yahoo groups related to Widespread Panic.