City Pages: What Makes You Happy
Laura Sinagra's review: "...the Daisy razor's edge and cunning lingo that changed the lives of upper-middle-class white twenty-something indie-rockers are still in effect."
Dancing About Architecture: Liz Phair
R. Brookman's review: "A distillation of Guyville's rangy, DIY songcraft and Whip-Smart's pop pretensions, Whitechocolatespaceegg reveals Phair for the rock star she should - but probably won't - be." Rating of 9. Liz Phair - Whitechocolatespacee
Bill Aicher's review: "more mature than her earlier works, but not too much that she has lost the Phair flair."
Nude as the News: Liz Phair - Whitechocolatespacee
Piero Scaruffi's review: "ranks as an impressive re-invention of Phair as folk-rock all-star."
Salon Entertainment: The Original Regular
Cynthia Joyce's review: "What ultimately makes 'Whitechocolatespaceegg' compelling is not clever song craft or cunning lyrics, but the very adultlike air of acceptance that pervades the album."