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AskMen.com - Erasure
Exclusive interview with photos.
Elektra Records: Erasure
Record label site includes a discography with sound files.
Erasure - Mute Records
Erasure's record label's website.
Erasure FAQ
Information about Erasure's history and recordings, related bands, and trivia.
Erasure Gig-ography
Offers tour and performance schedules.
Erasure Information Service
Official site offering news, interviews, forums, photos, and a discography.
Fan site with unofficial news about the pop duo.
Contains pictures, MP3s, news and links.
Features news, exclusive pictures, interviews and articles, audio and links.
Includes lyrics, MIDIs and pictures.
Hugo Fernbom's Erasure page
Fan site includes history and an album discography with lyrics.
Make Me Smile
Fan's lists of shows for trade.
Music Information Service: Erasure
Discography, compilation appearances, song/version listings, timeline, and information on members.
Musicfolio: Erasure
Discography with capsule album reviews and ratings.
Onge's Erasure Page
Contains discography, lyrics, downloads, rare MP3s, MIDI files, and pictures.
RollingStone.com: Erasure
Includes biography, photo gallery, news, discography, album reviews, audio/video, and message boards.
The Relentless Pursuit of Erasure
Discography with collecting information, online archive of tourbooks, and original remixes.
Twelfth of Never Productions
Contains lyrics collection, rare music and video archives, and tribute projects.
VH1: Erasure
Includes album reviews, music news, audio downloads, biography, discography, links, and a bulletin board.