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CANOE: Kelly Clarkson - Thankful
Darryl Sterdan's review for the Winnipeg Sun: "Assembly-line pop fluff and bland power ballads aimed at the lowest common denominator and designed to offend no one."
Cornell Daily Sun: Kelly Clarkson - Thankful
Ariel Ronneburger's review: "seems too crafted by music industry bigwigs; the obvious commercial drive behind her management affects both the sound and lyrics."
HoustonChronicle.com: Kelly Clarkson - Thankful
Howard Cohen's review: "it's startling how anonymous the debut CD feels."
Jason's Reviews: Kelly Clarkson - Thankful
Jason Johnson's review: "stellar production and showcasing of different styles makes this a great album throughout."
JS Online: Kelly Clarkson - Thankful
Rachel Kipp's Associated Press review: "The producers fail miserably at allowing Clarkson to be herself."
Music-Critic.com: Kelly Clarkson - Thankful
Bill Aicher's review: "what's most disappointing about Thankful is the fact there's nothing extraordinary here, even vocally."
Plugged In: Kelly Clarkson - Thankful
Bob Waliszewski's review: "a soulful pop groove with safe lyrics unlikely to generate criticism from anyone"
UKMIX: Kelly Clarkson - Thankful
Darren Gale's review: "The quality of the songs match the quality of her great voice"
USATODAY.com: Kelly Clarkson - Thankful
Elysa Gardner's review: "I doubt that Clarkson could have released a debut album that sounds more calculated or less original."