Thirteen Ghosts
Reviews of the movie with film details and ratings.
Apollo Movie Guide: 13 Ghosts
Negative review which looks at the plot and the failures of the film. Includes plot summary, cast information and links.
Flipside Movie Emporium: Thirteen Ghosts
Positive review by Rob Vaux.
HARO Online: 13 Ghosts
Negative review which looks at the horror genre, plot and scenery in the film. A rating of 'Not That Good' was given to this film.
IMDb: Thir13en Ghosts
The Internet Movie Database includes plot outline, user comments, and cast overview. 13 Ghosts
Includes user reviews and ratings, cast listing, plot concept, quotes from and links to reviews.
Popkorn Junkie: 13 Ghosts
Negative review which looks at the plot, inconsistencies, acting and the lack of deaths in the horror film. Film was rated one and a half out of four. Thirteen Ghosts
Synopsis, review, and film recommendations. 13 Ghosts
Giancarlo De Lisi's review: "...for the discerning viewer, it contains no earth shattering elements despite the visuals that make this film stand above the recycled horror trash there is out there." 2.5 out of 4 stars.
Thir13en Ghosts
Official site with synopsis, gallery, production notes, trailer, filmmakers, and cats information.