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All-Reviews.com: Pirates of the Caribbean: the Cur
Reviews of the movie.
Amazon.com: Pirates of the Caribbean Customer Revi
Over 1521 customer reviews of the DVD edition of Legend of the Black Pearl, sortable by helpfulness, rating, date of rating.
CIN3MA: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the
Review by Keyser Soze, including rating, cast, and pictures.
Cinema Savvy: Pirates of the Caribbean
Analytical review with box office information and soundtrack listing.
eFilmCritic: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse o
Detailed review with viewer comments and ratings.
FlickFilosopher.com: Pirates of the Caribbean
Detailed movie review and interesting commentary.
HARO Online: Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse
Review with two movie stills.
Hollywood Jesus: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Cur
Review, photographs and posters, synopsis, cast and credits, and forum. Presents movie summary from a spiritual point of view.
ScoreReviews.com: Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtr
Includes music review, coverart, soundclip, tracklist and other information.
Movie summary and review by Roger Ebert.