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Easter eggs in images lead to sites that deal with some of the issues presented in the film.
Entertainment Weekly - The Matrix: God is in the D
Four-part article discusses the mythological and religious themes in the film.
Evil Demons, Saviors, and Simulacra in The Matrix
Article by Doug Mann and Heidi Hochenedel examines three philosophical and spiritual themes explored within the film.
Gnosticism Reborn
Discusses the film as a Shamanic journey, by Jason Wynd and Jake Horsley.
H2so4 Magazine - The Pornocracy of "Fate"
Philosophical essay about the saviour theme in The Matrix, by Matt George.
Heaven.net: The Matrix
Essay focusing on the idea that the movie's popularity is due to a lack of spirituality in the general population.
Is "The Matrix" Gnostic or Christian?
Detailed comparison between Gnostic and Christian influences in the film, by Steven D. Greydanus.
Journal of Religion and Film: Buddhism, Christiani
James L. Ford discusses the dialectic of myth-making in contemporary cinema with the aid of the film.
Essay discussing the usage of hackers in the film, Hollywood stereotypes, and thoughts about virtual reality and cyberspace.
The main tenets and manifesto of a religious following based on the film.
Metaphilm: The Matrix
Essay analyzes the movie with a focus on personal identity, the role of technology, questioning reality, and Marshall McLuhan.
Nonduality Salon: The Matrix
Discussion of the movie focusing on non-dual themes and concepts.
Outside the Lie
Outlines the parallels of the film with the Christian faith in an attempt to convert users.
Philosophy and The Matrix
Two essays about the film, focusing on faith.
Strange New World
A philosophical interactive puzzle based on the film's scenario. [Requires Flash plugin]
Tao of The Matrix
Several articles examine the deeper philosophical and spiritual symbolism and metaphors in the film.
The Matrix 2069
Quotations relevant to the film from The Promulgation of Universal Peace, by Abdul Baha.
The Matrix and Berkeley's Metaphysics
Synopsis of a book on the movie. Discusses qualia, sentient agents, deja vu, and the virtualisation of everyday life as evident in perceptual processes.
The Matrix as Messiah Movie
Site examines the parallels between Neo's character development and the life of Jesus Christ.
The Matrix Discussion and Bible Study
Suggested outline for a study session of the movie with respect to the Bible. Includes comparisons of quotes from the film to Biblical passages.
The Matrix [vaksam]
Discusses the difference between virtual reality and computerized models of reality, as well as implications of this distinction for the future.
The Matrix: A Study in Homoeroticism
Article by Mr. Eyore from Epinions.com.
The Mayertrix
Explores the possible connection between John Mayer's music and the film. Includes sound clips, lyrics, and links.
The Red Pill Project
Attempts to approach the details of the film in a rational and scientific manner. Articles, project information, and links.
The Spiritual Matrix
Analysis of the movie based on the allegory of the alien.
Utopia and Simulation in The Matrix
A brief discussion of the articulation of simulation and its effects in the film.
Zion Mainframe Guide to The Matrix
Features a collection of essays dedicated to the film. Topics covered include the principle of resistance, metaphysics, Christianity, Gnosticism, and others.