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All-Reviews.com, Allwatchers Review - The Hunt For Red October, Christian Spotlight, In the Navy, The Hunt for Red October, The Hunt for Red October, The Hunt for Red October, The Hunt for Red October (PG)
A review with comments on the soundtrack and special effects.
DVD Verdict
Review and highlights of the DVD.
Film Tracks
Review, ratings, and related information.
IMDb: The Hunt for Red October (1990)
Full cast and crew information, synopsis, and user reviews.
Matthew Robert Bowers' Movie Reviews: The Hun
A fan review and several photos.
Sam Neill Images
A collection of images and related links.
The Big Picture Review
Review, synopsis, and information on the DVD.
The Hunt for Red October: The Book and The Movie
A fan site comparing the book and the movie. Character list, trailer, links and details.
The Nitpickers Site
Index of nitpicks on the movie.