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2 1/2 star review by multiple reviewers.
Allwatchers Review - The General's Daughter
Analytical review of the plot, setting, theme, and structure of the film starring John Travolta, Madeleine Stowe, James Woods, Timothy Hutton, and James Cromwell.
Apollo Leisure Guide
62/100 rating. Read reviews, get recommendations, rate this movie, see the trailer, and get DVD information.
Daily Box Office
Box office coverage of since day one. Includes detailed breakdowns of the data and comparisons to other John Travolta movies.
HARO Online
Review of the film, gives 'ok' rating.
6.3/10 rating of film. Gives synopsis, cast list, links to actors and director filmography, allows you to rate film
Paramount - General's Daughter, The
Synopsis, cast and crew, VHS and DVD information.
Reviewed by Cynthia Fuchs.
Article with pictures, quotes from the stars and filmmakers, and behind-the-scenes information.
Rotten Tomatoes
Synopsis, reviews, media prediction, two cast profiles, and links to more reviews, pictures, trailers, interviews and articles.
1 1/2 star review, includes cast list, synopsis, credits, and video release date.