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All-Reviews.com: Dr. Dolittle 2
Multiple movie reviews.
Allwatchers.com: Doctor Dolittle 2
Analytical review of the plot, characters, setting, theme, and structure of the film, and links to similar movies.
Apollo Movie Guide: Dr. Dolittle 2
Review by Brian Webster. Includes links and cast information.
Haro Online: Dr Dolittle
Negative review which looks at plot, believablity and comments on why the reviewer would say making the sequel was not a good thing.
Hollywood.com: Dr. Doolittle 2
Synopsis, review, multimedia, and cast and crew information.
IMDb - Dr. Dolittle 2 (2001)
Cast and crew credits, links to external reviews, user comments, plot summary and general information about the film.
Movies for Guys: Dr. Dolittle 2
Movie review and rating.
Ninth Symphony Films: Dr. Dolittle 2
A review by Larry Levin. Includes links, general informations, and pictures.
Popkorn Junkie: Dr Dolittle 2
Review looks at plot, voices and a recommendation. Film was given a rating of three out of four.
Rotten Tomatoes - Dr. Dolittle 2
Links to movie reviews, synopsis, cast information, and multimedia.
TheWorldJournal.com: Dr. Dolittle 2
Film information, rating and review by Giancarlo De Lisi.