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Fan Pages
A Cruel World, Cruel Intentions, Cruel Intentions Updates, Cruel Intentions: Valmont's Page, Dangerous Liaisons Ring, Funkiboi's Cruel Intentions, Kathryn's Cruel Intentions Club
All-Reviews.com: Cruel Intentions, Allwatchers Review - Cruel Intentions, Anthony Leong's Review, Apollo Leisure Guide, Arizona Wildcat: Cruel Intentions, Boxoffice Magazine, Calgary Sun: Cruel Intentions, Chicago Reader, Chicago Sun-Times: Cruel Intentions, ChildCare Action Project
Cruel Intentions
Official site from Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Dark Horizons
Cast and crew credits, press and fan reviews, video files for download and a 'from the set' story.
EW.com: Cruel intentions
Reviews, photographs, and related articles.
Extra TV
Movie information, cast information and an extensive photo gallery.
Internet Movie Database
Full credits for cast and crew, user reviews, quotes, plot summary and numerous other 'Cruel Intentions' resources.
Plot summary, production information and a photo gallery.
Star Seeker Movies
Brief summary and related resources.
The Daily Script: Cruel Intentions
February 10, 1998 screenplay by Roger Kumble.
The Ultimate Unofficial Website
Multimedia, related links, plot summary and cast information.
Yahoo Movies: Cruel Intentions
Greg's preview of the film.