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BBC News: Reality TV Tramps In 'Ultimate Degr
"A video on sale in the United States has been accused of plumbing the depths of bad taste to show homeless people performing dangerous stunts in return for gifts such as food and clothing".
Official site includes overview of the project, screen grabs, animations, and details of how to order. [Requires Quicktime].
CNN.com: 'Bumfights' Producer Defends Hi
"A Las Vegas filmmaker defended his fast-selling video featuring grisly footage of homeless men fighting and performing dangerous stunts".
Las Vegas Review Journal: Film Cashes In On Street
"It's a brutal video depiction of street life, portrayed through rapid-cut, hand-held camera images".
Metafilter: Bumfights.com
Discussion thread in which participants focus on the movie's social impact.
Rotten Library: Bumfights
Photographs and article with social commentary on the film.