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All-Reviews.com: Brazil
Multiple movie reviews.
Allscifi Brazil Spotlight
Detailed analysis of the plot, theme, setting and characters of the movie, plus links to similar movies.
Apollo Leisure Guide
review of the fantastic Terry Gilliam dark comedy.
Britmovie - Brazil
Includes review, plot, and cast.
Don Ignacio's Movie Reviews: Brazil
Movie review and pictures.
IMDb: Brazil
Plot summary, cast and crew information, awards, and user comments.
Rotten Tomatoes: Brazil
Links to movie reviews, synopsis, cast and crew information, and forum.
Video [mpeg] and audio [wav] clips, picture clips, quotes, and miscellaneous information.
Terry Gilliam's Brazil
Fansite with the FAQ, pictures, sound clips [.wav and MP3] and video clips [MPEG], the script, a Brazil Quiz, and a cast & crew list.
TV Guide Online: Brazil
Includes review, plot, and cast list.