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A small assortment of reviews.
Summary reviews and a list of literary elements and themes in the movie.
Apollo Movie Guide
Brief summary of the film. [91/100]
Bright Lights Film Journal: The Interpretative Ody
Critical essay by Robert Castle.
A review of Leonard F. Wheat's book on a triple allegory in 2001, a movie that "tells three hidden stories: Homer's The Odyssey; a spoofy tale based on science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke's idea of man-machine symbiosis; and Friedrich Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra."
Ebert's Great Movies
Commentary and analysis from film critic Roger Ebert. "The genius is not in how much Stanley Kubrick does in '2001: A Space Odyssey,' but in how little."
Consumer ratings of the movie.
Future Movies
A positive review of the remastered DVD.
Greatest Films
An extensive review, synopsis, and discussion of the film, by Tim Dirks.
New York Times
A very positive evaluation, published the day after the movie opened in 1968. Free registration required.
Positive review by James Berardinelli. [4/4]
Rotten Tomatoes
A dozen reviews and reactions from critics. Includes some general movie information.
The Movie Vault
Brief, positive review by Josh Stoik, with plot synopsis and trivia.
The Sci-Fi Movie Page: 2001 - A Space Odyssey
Review by James O'Ehley.
TV Guide Online
Review [4.5/5], cast, and credits.