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Current Attractions
Movie reviews accompanied by measurements of profanity, sex, and violence levels, powered by PSVratings.
Family Movie Review
Reviews of family movies, including a Mom Rating and a Kid Rating.
FamilyStyle Film Guide
Rating charts provide parents with information about the profanity, nudity, sex, violence and drug use in movies and videos.
Film Values
Children's movies on television and theaters reviewed for parents.
Kids in Mind
Reviews based on the amount of sex, nudity, violence, gore, and profanity in mainstream films.
Movie reviews based on moral acceptability.
Identifies and reviews movies that are free from immodesty or obscenity, and that uplift and build character.
Parents Television Council - Movie Reviews
Family oriented reviews by the Parents Television Council, Holly McClure,and Michael Medved.
Screen It!
Offers comprehensive and detailed reviews that go into detail about everything from the amount of blood and gore to character attitude and violence.
The Movie Mom
Nell Minow reviews movies and gives advice on a wide range of family media concerns.