All Movie Guide: James Cameron
Browse through this short biography and filmography and see people he worked with.
Dedicated to the work and life of director James Cameron.
Appreciating James Cameron
Site dedicated to director James Cameron and his film Titanic.
Fennec Awards Database: Cameron, James
List of awards won by the director. Marxist Overtones in Three Films
Article discusses Marxian elements in his films "Titanic", "The Abyss" and "Aliens".
Gods of Filmmaking: James Cameron
Short descriptions of each Cameron film, with trivia.
Optimusfilms: James Cameron
Movie reviews from a fan, contains sounds and video clips from most of his movies.
Rotten Tomatoes: James Cameron
Contains movie news, photos, awards, a forum as well as the filmography of the director.
The Hall of Arts: James Cameron
Profiles the film-director and offers a biography, as well as an extended interview.