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An Enemy of the People
Chapter-indexed text and biography of the author.
An Enemy of the People
Etext at Project Gutenberg.
Campusnut.com: A Doll's House
Plot summary and analysis.
ClassicNotes: A Doll's House
Summary and analysis written by Harvard students. Includes a biography and links to online resources.
Henrick Ibsen Forum Frigate
A discussion forum and live chat devoted to the writer.
Henrik Ibsen
A biography of the Norwegian dramatist and analysis of his works; includes a list of related links.
Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906)
Biography, plus links to all of his works currently in print.
Henrik Ibsen - The Wild Duck
Electronic text and table of contents.
Ibsen Voyages - with Brian Johnston
Explores the interpretation that Ibsen's twelve realist plays (from Pillars Of Society to When We Dead Awaken) form a single tri-partite Cycle. Johnston's bibliography, some online papers, information on lectures, and booking information.
Ibsen, Henrik - Doll House
Devoted to the study and discussion of the author of The Doll House, Hedda Gabler and Peer Gynt.
A large collection of Ibsen information and links.
LiteratureClassics.com - Henrik Ibsen
Includes complete text of several plays.
Little Blue Light: Henrik Ibsen
Concise introduction featuring a biography, major works, and discussions of his themes and style.
Naturalist Drama and Environmental Influences
Essay discussing the influence of the environment in works by Ibsen, Galsworthy and Lawrence. By Catherine Cooper.
Poetry Archive - Henrik Ibsen: Poems
Several poems in English translation.
The Doll's House: A Play
Plain text file at Project Gutenberg.
The dramatist Henrik Ibsen
Biography and analysis of his works. By professor Bjørn Hemmer.
The Ibsen Bibliography
Searchable bibliography of works by and on Ibsen held by the Ibsen Centre.
The Ibsen Centre at the University of Oslo
Organization established to strengthen and coordinate national and international research in Ibsen.